Our Story
Dermnemonics is a company created and run by dermatologists. The idea got its start after we emersed ourselves in the field of dermatology during residency where we quickly realized that there is an overwhelming amount of information to learn, and that amount keeps growing! With an interest in memory and ways to optimize retention, we dug deep and chose to pursue a more creative way to teach in order to make studying fun again.
W use a technique called the method of memory loci (or memory palaces as I like to call them), and it dates back as far as the ancient Greeks! In head to head comparisons, the participants utilizing the method of memory loci have been shown statistically significant improvements in their long and short term recall as well as recall accuracy but only if they had been taught how to effectively build these “memory-loci”. That’s where we come in, we’ll do the building, and you can do the learning.
We are excited to share our artwork and creative stories to provide anyone interested in dermatology a strong foundation of knowledge.

Stephen Matlock
Founder, CEO, and project design manager

Ahdarsh (Adi) Vallabhaneni
Content Creator

Katelin Harrell
Senior Content Creator

Katie Dreher
Content Creator

Allison Gillis
Content Creator

Kelsey Johnson
Content Creator